菅晓霞(JIan Xiaoxia),2002年至2008年于吉林大学学习,并获学士、硕士学位,2015年6月获得山东大学材料加工专业博士学位。2019年7月起在武汉工程大学雷火app网页版任教。主要研究领域为先进材料连接技术。
1.主持国家自然基金青年基金(No. 51705133)“交变磁场下窄间隙GMAW焊接热源稳定性及焊缝成形调控机制研究”
1. Jian Xiaoxia, Wu Chuansonget al. Numerical analysis of the coupled arc-weld pool-keyhole behaviors in stationary plasma arc welding. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2015,84: 839-847.
2.Jian Xiaoxia, Wu Chuansong.A unified 3D model for interaction mechanism of the plasma arc, weld pool and keyhole in plasma arc welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2015, 48:465504.
3.菅晓霞,武传松. 金属蒸汽对等离子弧焊接熔池行为的影响. 金属学报, 2016, 52(11):1467-1476.
4. Jian Xiaoxia; Wu Hebao ; Numerical investigation of heat flux distribution on the weldinggroove face in magnetic oscillation arc narrow gap GTAW, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021, 113(7-8): 2315-2325
5. Jian, Xiaoxia; Yang, Xing; Li, Jingqian; Wang, Weihua; Wu, Hebao ; Numerical Analysis ofthe Heating Characteristics of Magnetic Oscillation Arc and the Fluid Flow in Molten Pool in Narrow Gap Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, Materials, 2020, 13(24): 0-5799